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CA voters would re-elect Bush

Attorneys are top givers to Kerry, Lieberman

Edwards campaign holding $5.7 million - $4 million from lawyers

Democratic contenders for 2004 presidential race start Iowa visits

Is Hart running- E-mail disavowed

Graham says journals not a hindrance to campaign

Off and running: Lieberman announces presidential bid
STAMFORD, Conn. -- Sen. Joseph Lieberman, freed of his self-imposed pledge to defer to Al Gore, is running for president in 2004, saying in an advance copy of his speech that the nation needs leaders "ready to lead."  

For Gephardt, it's White House or bust

Activist Rev. Al Sharpton says he will run for president
The Rev. Al Sharpton announced yesterday that he will form a presidential exploratory committee, saying he probably is more qualified than any other Democrat seeking the White House.

Edwards jumps into presidential race
Sen. John Edwards announced today he will seek the Democratic presidential nomination, saying he wants to be "a champion for regular people."

Edwards takes final steps toward run for president
North Carolina Sen. John Edwards is putting the finishing touches on a widely expected run for president, meeting with close friends on New Year's Day followed by a series of interviews and fund-raising events later this week, associates said Tuesday.

On the campaign trail with Howard Dean
Vermont Governor Howard Dean is off and running as the sole declared candidate for the White House in 2004. The question is, why is he doing it, and where will he wind up in the end?

Kerry to take first step toward running for president in 2004
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said today he is taking a first step toward running for president in 2004, forming a committee to explore a White House bid.

Dodd Has Network In Place For Run
Christopher Dodd will play the presidential game his way.  It won't really matter whether fellow Connecticut Democrat Joseph Lieberman is in the race. The unofficial rule that a campaign has to be up and running this winter will not apply. The fact that he's raised no money specifically for a White House bid is not an obstacle.

