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The Report on Elizabeth Dole

By Jeff Brewer | Bio
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This report was not a pleasant report to write, as Elizabeth Dole seems to be a genuinely nice and decent person. However, she has, in a way, inspired the effort to write this report by claiming to be a conservative as she lines up support for her bid for a United State Senate seat soon to be vacated by conservative icon Senator Jesse Helms.

This report was also necessitated by the fact that a number of conservative leaders are claiming Elizabeth Dole to be a conservative and thus should be supported by all conservatives. Senator Jesse Helms is not only an American hero but also a hero of the conservative movement. The leadership of the conservative movement should be actively trying to recruit or encourage a conservative candidate who will build on Helm’s legacy, not undermine it.

This heavily documented report will demonstrate that Elizabeth Dole has promoted liberal policies throughout her political and professional career. It will show how she undermined the Reagan agenda numerous times; how she engaged in policy battles more for the publicity than due to any commitment to core principles. Indeed, this report will demonstrate that Dole lacks the principles necessary to follow in the footsteps of Senator Jesse Helms.

Due to the role that Dole says religion plays in her life, this report delves into the radical policies and theology espoused by Dole’s former church, the Foundry Church. This Church was attended by the Clintons and is, without a doubt, one of America’s most radical churches. For nearly four years, the Doles listened to anti-free enterprise, pro-abortion, and pro-gay agenda sermons, apparently without feeling uncomfortable; leaving the church only when media exposure forced them to do so.

The report describes Dole's extreme confusion on many of the most important issues for conservatives – the homosexual agenda, abortion, quotas, the Boy Scouts, and gun control. She has repeatedly demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge about the core principles that underlie conservatism and on the few occasions when she has enunciated a policy position, it is often inconsistent with her other actions. Alarmingly, it appears that the more impact an issue has upon American culture, the less Dole seems to understand it. One can only conclude that once in office, Dole would pose a danger to conservative initiatives and will likely vote on many occasions contrary to constitutional principles.

Dole’s professional life is examined in great detail in this report and while it reads like a series of policy blunders, it appears that Dole has not learned from her mistakes. Indeed, recent speeches demonstrate that she continues to believe the liberal policies she supported in the past were correct.

Due to their belief in individual merit, Republicans have always been against quotas, but Dole gave credibility to radical, even unconstitutional, quota-type issues such as the "comparable worth" and "glass ceiling" issues that have been used so often by anti-business regulatory bureaucrats to inflict a great deal of damage on the American private sector.

After Dole made the Glass Ceiling concept a major issue, for example, liberal legislators codified this quota issue by making it a civil rights law. With the power of the federal government behind it, the glass ceiling laws are commonly used today to harass and litigate against the private sector for not having the "proper" ratio of women in certain positions. And yet, even today, Dole takes credit for creating the comparable worth and glass ceiling issues.

Contrary to the Reagan Administration agenda, Dole promoted the Equal Rights Amendment, not seeming to understand the serious and critical consequences such an amendment would have on American society. She undermined President Ronald Reagan on other issues as Secretary of Transportation. She cleverly forced airbags on American consumers despite the evidence they have killed over a hundred children.

Dole supported maintaining the intrusive 55 miles per hour federal law even though research showed that her efforts to delay the abolition of the 55 mph rule cost perhaps thousands of highway fatalities. Similarly, Dole’s refusal to fight illogical Department of Transportation CAFE standards, which prohibited heavier and safer cars on our highways, led to a flood of dangerous cars that once again, caused thousands of unnecessary highway fatalities. Seemingly unaware of what our founding fathers wrote about limited central government, Dole used her power as Secretary of Transportation to force 21-year-old drink age laws on all the states.

When Dole became Labor Secretary, she again went on an anti-business crusade, vastly enlarging the power of OSHA to harass business and then initiated the dreaded ergonomic rules that the Republican controlled Congress recently repealed. Instead of using her authority as Secretary of Labor to educate Congress how a proposed minimum wage law would lead to a loss of jobs for teenagers and others, she remained silent. Needless to say, hundreds of thousands of teenagers soon lost their jobs.

While silent on issues she should have been vocal about, Dole received publicity for issues she created out of thin air. She accused thousands of businesses of exploiting children by violating child labor laws; but the only real result of that particular publicity stunt was the refusal of many businesses to hire any teenagers at all, once again leading to thousands of lost jobs for young men and woman.

She supported boondoggle job training programs such as the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), one of the biggest wastes of taxpayer’s dollars ever, but her Department issued statistics about the "success" of the JTPA that were misleading and deceitful.

This report will show how Elizabeth Dole empowered labor unions by refusing to notify workers about their right to refuse payment of dues used for political purposes, allowing organized labor to continue collecting millions of dollars from unsuspecting workers, money that is used almost exclusively to defeat Republican candidates. Dole’s pro-union reputation was enhanced when she settled a major strike in favor of the union.

Unknown to most people, Dole also initiated the SCANS Commission, the single most important event that created the Goals 2000/School-to-Work movement, a movement that has severely dumbed down American public schools and which continues today to undermined the teaching of basic academic skills.

This disastrous trail of policy blunders continued when Dole was hired as President of the American Red Cross. Her mismanagement of that charity resulted in thousands of health and safety code violations, causing the Food and Drug

Administration to essentially take control of the agency via consent decree. Her efforts to turn the Red Cross into a blood business completely corrupted the original ideal of the Red Cross as a charity, and her negligence actually threatened the public health by inattention to the purity of the blood supply.

Moreover, Dole used the Red Cross to promote the agenda of the homosexual movement by sending Red Cross lobbyists and lawyers around the country to oppose common sense AIDS bills that attempted to curtail the spread of AIDS.

Many people are unaware that the American Red Cross is the world’s largest AIDS education provider targeted at America’s youth. However, the material distributed by ARC under Dole’s tenure was graphic, offensive, and in some cases, obscene. The approach used is the discredited "safe sex" approach in which the Red Cross essentially encourages sex among our young by given them graphic descriptions of what to do as if it is expected behavior.

ARC manuals urge instructors to encourage children to play games such as musical chairs, flash cards, and role-playing, etc. as a way of introducing sexual topics to them such as mutual masturbation and anal sex. The damage done to America’s youth by this reckless "non-judgmental" approach to the most serious health issue of our time is incalculable. Moreover, the Red Cross web site refers people to some of America’s most radical homosexual groups, including groups who embrace sexual relations between older men and "younger" men.

If that’s not disturbing enough, incredibly, this report also recounts the depressing story of how a Christian who worked for the Red Cross was prohibited from teaching its AIDS education course because ARC viewed his Christian beliefs as contrary to its mission. This religious discrimination case went all the way to the Supreme Court, something that could not occur without the consent of the President of the Red Cross.

It is a shocking report that demonstrates a clear pattern of both reckless and liberal behavior exists in Mrs. Dole’s actions. This makes it difficult to attribute her actions to simply mistakes or confusion. The authors are confident that Dole’s defenders will protest this report, claiming Dole didn’t know her agency was doing this or her department was doing that, but a person involved in the governing of our country must be held accountable for the actions that transpire under their authority. If she is not held accountable, her pattern of liberal advocacy will continue with whatever position she holds in the future.

Read the full report


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